It’s that time of the year again when our cosy home becomes even cosier, filled with magic and love, when I can’t wait to come home with my husband, spend our evenings together and sip hot chocolate by the Christmas tree! Outfit @Malliny
Astăzi am avut privilegiul să discutăm cu doamna Președinte Maia Sandu despre viitorul nostru european și importanța implicării tinerilor în construirea acestui drum. Ca tineri antreprenori, visăm la un comerț liber și fără bariere cu Uniunea Europeană, pentru a ne dezvolta și a duce creativitatea noastră dincolo de granițe. Cu convingere deplină, o susținem pe Maia Sandu – un lider cinstit, modest, o voce a păcii și a unității. Este persoana care ne-a făcut să fim mândri că suntem din Moldova, cea care a întors privirile lumii spre noi, ne-a făcut văzuți, auziți și sprijiniți. Pe 20 octombrie, votăm DA la referendum și DA pentru cel mai potrivit candidat la președinție, în realizarea visului nostru european – Maia Sandu.🇲🇩🇪🇺 *Această postare nu face parte dintr-o campanie plătită
It’s often said that soulmates are found in couples or lovers, but I believe that soulmates can also be sisters - like you and me. You are my better half, my twin flame, the other part of my soul that was split into two. Our connection goes beyond this lifetime, beyond anything I could put into words. There’s no one in this world who knows me better than you. You understand my thoughts before I even speak them and you always know exactly what I need, sometimes even before I do. You are the most beautiful, intelligent and strong woman I’ve ever known and I am endlessly proud of the person you’ve become. There’s no one with a softer heart, no one whose laugh brings me more comfort. In every life, in every universe, I'd choose you to be my sister over and over again. We are one and I am so grateful to walk through this life with you by my side! That’s why I took you to a pottery class today, to create our little piece of art together. A symbol of our unique bond, our love. And a testament to all the beautiful and special things we have created together. I wish you nothing but endless happiness. May you fulfill your purpose, chase your dreams fearlessly and find peace and love in everything you do. You deserve the world and more and I hope this year brings you closer to all your heart’s desires. I love you more than you'll ever know! @Nicoleta